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  • 17H Minneakoning Road, Flemington, NJ 08822

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OUR Thoughts about Music and Lessons

When signing up for music lessons, understand the power of music can simply change your life. What you need to realize you are signing up for ,in our opinion, the coolest thing on earth. There is a ton of work involved to learning an instrument just as there is any other craft. I refuse to EVER agree that the basics of learning an instrument can be passed over and just get to the “Cool Stuff” to keep everyone’s attention and interest. IT JUST DOESN”T WORK THAT WAY PEOPLE. Put me on one of those shows as a judge. You think Simon was rough? I have been trying for years to explain to parents that we are Musicians NOT Magicians. You would never drive in a NASCAR race without learning to drive first. You would never run a race before learning to walk. It really should be that obvious and trust me, don’t just sign your child up because you think it is part of an “Overall Education”! If they ask for lessons, they want it. If they ask to play drums, don’t sign them up for piano. Music can be the most magical experience in a persons life. Let it flow naturally with your children’s interests and make them work at it. DO NOT buy them a $1000 guitar for their 1st lesson. do not EVEN LET THEM USE YOUR OLD EXPENSIVE GUITAR. DO NOT buy a Steinway Baby Grand for an 8 year old after 2 lessons. Yes these have all happened here and guess what….they are the ones that never last! Some old school concepts will never be replaced. This is coming from my 20 years of teaching experience and almost 10 years as a business owner and educator in this field. In conclusion, LEARN TO ROCK BUT LEARN RIGHT AND ROCK LIFE LONG! So sign up now at Allstar Music Empire.WP_20131001_012


The Empire is teaming up with The Jam Cats.

The Empire is teaming up with The Jam Cats for our new Toddler Classes. This is an all original and exciting program for the young Queens and Princes to rock out at the Empire. We will keep you posted when registration gets started.



The Empire’s Toddler Courses

Brian and I are getting our Toddler Classes organized as we speak. Look for original curriculum and creative out of the box programs. We are bringing a new energy and vibe to music experiences.

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Bands looking to play in Flemington?

Make sure to send us an email or message on facebook if you would like to play in our new venue.



New Venue Pics

Here are some pictures of our new venue for band to have somewhere to play and kids to have somewhere to hang in Hunterdon County NJWP_20131003_001









Had a visitor today at the Empire.

Anyone know what the hell this is?V__6FEA



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The Empire is Buzzing Hard

Brian and I are happy to say we have accomplished the “WOW” factor. This has been proven by the response of our clients as they walk in to this original setting and one of a kind store. Stop by and check it out and come celebrate our opening on Oct 19th for an all day open house from 1-11pmallstarinterior (17)


App of the day: JamStar

DR Strings has teamed up with JamStar to make this incredible modern tool for learning guitar. Allstar Music Empire will be one of the first music schools in NJ to be using this app for its instruction. This is all based on any mobile device, it’s free and you use colored strings. Showing up for lessons and never practicing on your own is not even close to being enough to get good. If all you did was show up for your 1/2 hour lesson once a week that would be 26 hours of time a year you put into your instrument. What can anyone get good it in a day and 2 hours. Think about a pitcher only throwing a ball for 26 hours a year. Do you think he or she is going to become a pro? NOPE! Use the tools that we have available and listen to the one that make a living a professional musicians/instructors. We are not pros because we did not practice and were lucky. Take music seriously and keep it alive with real artistry and talent.


The Buzz for the Empire is growing fast.

Over 500 new likes in a week. Keep spreading the word and we are looking forward to an amazing end of 2013 and an incredible 2014. Our Official Grand Opening/Open House is Oct 19th from 1-11pm. We have the Amazing Steve Bello doing a guitar clinic/show and other live bands as well as the Empire Instructors doing some jammin’. We look forward to getting all the young Patawan’s in our toddler classes and seeing everyone dressed liked a rock start in our original Empire Clothing and Affliction clothing lines.